Well, now that you have decided to let that “Dad Bod Be Gone,” let us congratulate you on taking this first step. Of course, getting out of your comfort zone is never easy, but we can help make it as comfortable for you as possible. Let’s get started!

Here are the best exercises to turn your carbs into abs!
Legs are one of the largest muscles of our body, which is why it is important to always keep them up and running (literally and metaphorically). Also, it is essential that you train your legs the hardest, not just for the sake of looking good, but also because you need your legs to move with efficiency and power.
Your HIIT leg workout should be 30 seconds of jabs, 30 seconds of combination punches, and 30 seconds of all-out power with a 90-second rest between each round. Instead of sitting during your rest time, take deep breaths, and walk around. 6 rounds of this 18-minute cardio will pound your legs into a pulp.
You need some serious toning done to your upper body because probably the first thing people notice when you are standing in front of them is your posture. And honestly, we know how great it feels to have your kid’s head on your chest or shoulder but them complementing that its soft might not be what you want to hear.
A high-intensity workout for your shoulders and chest should be done on an elliptical machine. Start by working out at a moderate pace for the first 2 minutes, then go hard for 30 seconds. Keep doing this for 15 minutes; this will make an approximate of 6 rounds.
You must have heard people saying, ‘sun’s out, gun’s out.’ Well, its time you know that they are referring to arms. If you didn’t know already, then let us tell you, a flexed arm is considered as the standard sign of strength. And that is why we will help you lock and load your guns too.
Start your arm workout with some warm-ups and then for about 20 seconds, pump your arm curls as hard as you can. You can do it at any place where there is enough room for bending your elbow. Take about 30 seconds to rest and repeat. On your tenth set, you can call it a day.
And remember, you might be tempted to lift weights quickly, but, DON’T. Slow reps with a focus on bicep contraction is the best workout for your arms.
Bottom Line
These are just a few exercises to turn yourself from just a DAD to RAD. Subscribe to our newsletter to stay updated on the news and features by clicking here! Visit our website Dadbodrunning and get a complete training regime to get a body shape you have always dreamed of.
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