Congratulations! You’ve finally decided to be a runner. You’re probably going to live longer now and constantly feel a sense of accomplishment that will help you deal with all the other frustrating parts of the day.

So, you’re a father now – congratulations on that as well. You have now experienced love like nothing you’ve ever experienced before. This was your final transformation to becoming a complete man – someone with renewed responsibilities and duties.
However, taking care of kids while simultaneously keeping yourself in shape has never gone hand-in-hand for most people. Why? Because kids, of any age, demand a massive amount of your time and they suck the energy out of you. Whether it be homework, driving them to places, or other parenting responsibilities, there is no off-time in parenting.
But we have a solution for you. There is a way for you to keep your health in check and still be able to take care of your little one. Here is how:
1. Early Morning Jogs
Before you became a father, you had no issues waking up at 7 am and running six or seven miles before heading to work. But now 7 am is when your kid needs to wake up, drive them to school, make them breakfast, etc.
We recommend you wake up earlier, maybe at around 5 am and then going for a jog. We know it’s a bit extreme and difficult, but you will not regret once this you see how empty and quiet the roads are.
2. Get a Jogging Stroller
If you have a little kid who weighs lighter than 70 pounds, you can easily push them around – all you need to do is buy a jogging stroller. Trust us; it will be a lifesaver. This will help you bond with the baby, keep the fresh air coming, and also keep you fit as ever.
3. Walk with The Family
Pick some family-friendly parks. The one thing better than jogging alone is staying fit for the whole family. This is an experience that will be more enjoyable when you have your loved ones around you. Imagine the kids and your wife staying healthy while living a long healthy life.
4. Utilize the Night-Time
If you can’t get up early, take late night walks. You’ll find the same empty roads and silent streets. When you get home from work, there’s dinner and homework and bath-time and whatever God-awful bedtime routine you’re up against. The life of a father is also challenging, and therefore, you cannot take your health for granted.
There are conflicting opinions about how late-night exercise affects your sleep, but it surely has some significant health benefits as it ensures your metabolism is always working perfectly.
Bottom Line
Adhering to a strict training program is difficult for anyone, but especially for those of us trying to hold down a full-time job and not be a terrible parent. Five or six runs in a week might not be possible for you. So, if you can only find the time for three, be sure to make them count: do some speed work, tackle some hills, and, difficult though it may be, try to get that weekly long run in.
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